Hellooooo, Queen of Procrastination here! Giving you your daily dose of some random project I did when I was SUPPOSED to be doing something else way more important!
This morning sitting down studying for my anthropology exam I remembered "hey Sophia spilled my coffee in the living room about a month ago... did I ever take out that stain?" (Yes, these are the kinds of thing I think about when I'm actually supposed to be studying! lol) So I went on my merry way to the living room and O.M.G! I see the stains! Yaaay! Something for me to do besides study! Lol!
So here we have the ugly coffee stain on the BEAUTIFUL blue carpet ;)
it may be a little hard to see in the pic but trust me it was noticeable in person! haha!
I sprayed my trusty Sol-U-Mel, let it sit for a few seconds, wiped it up and voila! STAIN BE GONE! Haha! I am a very dramatic person if ya can't tell! ;)
No more stain! :)
Now who said GREEN can't CLEAN?! I know I did at one point. I would have been pretty skeptical if I hadn't already known how amazing this company was. I just love that we get a better non toxic environment and I don't have to break my back to scrub anything. This stuff works man!
I honestly just can't believe people don't know more about it.. but then again that's why I'm here!! :) Lol!
Holla at ya girl to hook you up! ;)
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