Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Day Lovely People!

Hey everyone! My name is Breana! I live on a tiny island of Kaua'i in Hawai'i (funny how that rhymes. Lol) I have a daughter named Sophia who is 20 months now. I am a work at home mom and full time nursing student. I absolutely LOVE what I do. Thank you for choosing to follow me on this incredible journey in my life. On this blog I will be talking about what I do working from home and how I help families have a healthier home without breaking the bank! I can guarantee you that you will see mommy posts from time to time because the truth is I LOVE My Daughter... like who doesn't love their child and want the whole world to know how amazing they are! He he! Thank you for taking the time to check out this blog and stay tuned for more posts and funny stories of my crazy everyday life!


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