Monday, December 22, 2014

I'm back!.... but recovering...

We're back from the mountains! We made it! Haha! I mist say the hubby pulled through for me. I really was expecting it to be pretty boring, you know just the two of us... but he made it the absolute best birthday I could ever ask for! He is simply just the most amazing human being! So happy to call him mine! He knows how to make anything fun. I am so grateful for that. We shared so many laughs and deep thoughts! It was the best bonding experience ever! Anywhooo I'm glad we had that break and that we are back and I'm back attending to all of my work I out off for the weekend... I guess that's the great part about working from home, I get to make my own schedule and "take off" whenever I feel .like it! Ha ha! Love running on my own time. Sadly I wish my hubby could stay at home with me! I had a whole 5 days with him! He goes back to work tomorrow morning and I am not lying when I say I have tears in my eyes right now *sniffle*. Ugh totally depressing myself... it's Christmas week guys!!! Omg... Christmas is in 3 days!!!!! I will say OI am not ready.. I have not wrapped a single gift and I haven't finished my shopping... I normally put things off until the last minute,,, that's just how it goes in my world. Hehe! I hope everyone got their shopping done and you are all cuddling up and enjoying this time with your family!
As we say in Hawai'i Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas)


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