Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

it's that time of year already! Tomorrow is Christmas! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! Santa's Little Helper (me) has finished all of her Christmas shopping and wrapping so it's all smooth sailing today! So mama is getting Organized today! Getting ready for the New Year. I'm printing out some amazing home planner printables... I'll attach the link at the end of this post. I got them from fellow blogging mamas :) I love being organized! It feels very refreshing! To have a place for everything and plan everything out. I NEED it! Haha! A busy working student and mom, I need to block out times in my schedule. Also having a clean home for the holidays are important to me. It makes it less stressful. After all, it is supposed to be HAPPY holidays. Haha! Well I can't write too much in this post because I keep getting distracted and antsy to finish organizing... I swear I am not a neat freak! Haha! But all I can think of right now is how to rearrange the house and how to clean in those hard to reach places and vacuuming and budget book updating and planner updating. Oh dear I am getting anxiety! Haha! I hope everyone is having an amazing Christmas Eve and I hope you are all spending it with your loved ones!


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