Friday, December 26, 2014

Day After Christmas

Hey everyone! I hope you had a Wonderful & Jolly Christmas! We sure did! Thanks to all of our family and friends who provided us with some pretty awesome gifts! A special thanks to my in laws for Sophia's drawing table/easel! The best gift by far! It keeps Sophia busy, which in turn, let's mama do everything she needs to. Hahaha! Now it's time to clean the house and give all the new toys a new home... like I said in my previous post... a place for everything. Hahaha! I still swear I'm not a neat freak! I just love the refreshing feeling of a clean organized home! And I still haven't gotten around to my organizing binder. I did buy myself a planner for school and Sophia activities for me to look at on the go but I need to make the binder for home use. I hope everyone is out shopping and taking advantage of those amazing deals! Perfect time to get next year's Christmas presents. Hehe! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves! Don't forget to subscribe via email! :) and/or leave your contact info for more info on working from home!!! :) love you all!!! XO!
Sophia Drawing on Her New Easel
Sophia Opening Her Gift From Aunty Amanda
Sophia With Her Gift From Aunty Taylor


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