Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Spring Cleaning in The WInter?

Have you ever heard such ridiculousness? Haha! always cleaning! We are ringing in a New Year with a clean home! Not to mention our neighborhood is big on the celebration, we have a huge block party. Our cul-de-sac is one big new years party! But somehow the babies always end up in our house to sleep. haha! So we must keep it clean and presentable, although it is anything but after all the cooking and celebrating going on during the day! This year mother in law is teaching me how to make her Oxtail Soup. I am so excited because I LOVE her Oxtail Soup! I am so excited to g into this New Year organized and clean and having goals to strive for. I am not the most organized person. I feel like in the last 2 months I really cracked down on myself and really made myself get into the groove and get organized. I even started watching what I ate (sorta) and I lost weight! So I made a vow to have stronger willpower this upcoming year, and not eat junk food and to exercise more. Starting small with a jog in the AM, and giving up my nightly cookie fix. Haha. Slowly I will progress into meal planning and actually working out! This should be an interesting year! I can't wait to see hat it has in store! What are your goals for the upcoming year? Share them with me! I'd love to cheer you on!!! I have a few people that inquired about working from home and I am really focusing on my team and their goals. Helping them set goals for their families and themselves and helping them achieve it! Everything from making a healthier home to making an income from home! I am so happy to be on this journey with them and cheering them on and helping them achieve their goals! Let me help you as well!! Emailing works as well if you are not comfortable leaving info! email: breanamalia@gmail.com 
I look forward to working with you new amazing people!!! Lots of loves and good wishes to everyone and their families this New Year!!!! XO


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