Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Potty Training!

omg! it is that time! Sophia is 21 months and I am potty training her this Christmas break, so far so good :) we've had 3 accidents in the past 2 days but we are not giving up! We start off first thing in the morning with a panty (underwear). And we also put a panty on Minnie Mouse, that's her potty buddy. Minnie uses the kiddie potty and Sophie uses the big girl potty. She loves her panties. And I love how cute her little butt looks in them! Haha! This morning's accident was the funniest by far... We went to the toilet and she didn't have to go yet (we sat there for 3 minutes) so I took her off and decided to do laundry... I specifically told her "don't pee while I'm out!" I was outside for 1 minute at the most and when I got back in she was standing in the kitchen and she quickly says "uh oh mommy! I spilled!" as she points to her little pee spot. I asked "Did you spill or did you pee?" shyly she looks down and says "I peed mommy" HAHAHA! I could not hold in my laugh. I could not be mad. It was so funny how she thought that she spilled. She didn't know what else to call it! Haha! But I just keep reminding her to let me know if she has to pee. And I take her to the potty every 10-15minutes and give her lots of water so she gets the hang of it. I'm actually enjoying this. It's giving me good laughs. Haha! I have no idea why parents dread this. It's all about patience and learning to laugh at it rather than getting upset. Haha! I feel like that's what parenting is all about. I think that's why I've enjoyed it more than most people.  I just laugh everything off. Don't get me wrong Sophia gets discipline but I don't feel like running an Army around here so it's all about learning through experience in my household. That's what worked for me growing up, but my mom didn't know that. Maybe I'll save this ramble for another post :) Wish us good potty juju! Lol!


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